Local activity- Turkey

 We would like to share our small exhibition of our workshop on other countries. Students not only had a chance to learn the flags, official languages, capital cities, landmarks and cuisine of the partner countries, but also they improved their social and creative skills.


We held a meeting with the students of Şahidi Muğla that are going to participate in the Malta mobility of our project , Transition from STEM to Robotics from 31st March to 4th April 2025.


The Local press of the city of Muğla has published our project's mobilities and we prepared a school bulletin board with these newspapers to disseminate the mobilities

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Project no 2023-2-PL01-KA210-SCH-000178221 Start date: 2024-05-01 End date: 2025-04-30 Beneficiary/Coordinator: Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawo...